Panchagavya :How to prepare Panchagavya – an organic manure?

How to prepare panchagavya?

In this article, we are going to see how to prepare panchagavya (organic manure ), recommended dosage, and its application.

What is Panchagavya?

Panchagavya or Panchakavya is an organic product made from the blend of five cow-derived products. In Sanskrit Panch means five and gavya mean cow; hence the name Panchagavya. Panchagavya has the potential to play the role of promoting growth and providing immunity in the plant system. 

Panchagavya consists of nine products viz. cow dung, cow urine, milk, curd, jaggery, banana, tender coconut, and water. When suitably mixed and used, these have miraculous effects.

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Panchagavya Ingredients

Products and quantity Required to prepare 20 liters ( appx. )  of panchagavya :

  1. Fresh cow dung – 5 kgs
  2. Cow’s urine – 3 liters
  3. Curd ( from cow milk ) – 2 liters
  4. Cow’s ghee – 500 grams
  5. Cow’s milk – 2 liters
  6. Jaggery – 500 grams
  7. Tender coconut – 3 liters
  8. Banana – 12 numbers– 3 liters
  9. Water – 3 liters

How to prepare panchagavya?

Mix cow dung and ghee and keep it in a mud pot/plastic drum.  Cover the mixture with a wire mesh/plastic mosquito net to prevent houseflies from laying eggs. Keep the drum/pot under a shade during preparation.    Leave the mixture for three days and stir it twice a day (preferably morning and evening once).  Stirring the contents for about twenty minutes facilitates aerobic microbial activity.

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After three days add cow’s urine and water and leave it for 15 days. Don’t forget to stir it twice a day.

After fifteen days add the following and continue the stirring process.  Panchagavya will be ready after 30 days.

  • Cow’s milk
  • Cow’s curd
  • Ripened Banana’s
  • Jaggery and
  • Tender coconut water
How to prepare panchagavya – organic manure?

Panchagavya  – Recommended Dosage

Spraying Method: Three liters of panchagavya to every 100 liters of water is suitable for all crops. The power sprayers of 10 liters capacity may need a 300 ml tank.  Sediments are to be filtered before spray.

Flow Method: Through drip irrigation or flow method panchagavya solution can be mixed with 50 liters of water to fertigate 1-hectare land.

Seed Treatment: Before planting, dip the seeds in panchagavya solution for 20 minutes.

See also: Difference between drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation

Frequency of  Spraying

Pre flowering phase: once in 15 days depending upon crop duration

Flowering and pod setting stage: Once in 10 days, two sprays

Fruit Stage: Once during Maturation

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