In this article, we are to going to see How to start a banana plantation business in 10 steps.
Soil for Banana: Soil fertility may be very important, as bananas are very nutritious. Soil exploration is an important factor in banana cultivation. Also, make sure that the soil has proper drainage, good fertility, and moisture.
Bananas thrive in deep, rich, well-drained soil with a salt content of pH between 6 and 7.5. Therefore, soils in low-lying areas, heavy cotton sand with heavy drainage should be avoided.
Banana Land Preparation: Plough the selected area 4-6 times and let it cool for two weeks. Use equipment such as a renovator or harrow to break up the soil and to get the desired quality. After some time, add the basal volume of farm yard manure (about 50 tons / ha. Before the last harrowing) mixed well into the soil.
See also: Advantages and disadvantages of Mulching
Banana Planting: Banana can be planted throughout the year except in severe winter and during heavy rains when the soil remains very wet. The ideal time (October-November) of planting is after the monsoon season. With assured irrigation, the planting can also be done in February-March.
However, the number of plants depends on cultivars, geography and soil fertility. Cut the roots and a rotten piece of corm, lower the fake stem leaving 20 inches from the corm and measure the suckers in size.
A pit size of 45cm x 45cm x 45cm is normally required. The pits are to be filled with topsoil mixed with 10 kg of FYM, 250 gms of Neem Cake, 20 gm of conbofuron.
Banana Spacing:
Ideal spacing: 1.5 x 1.5m
For paired system: 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m
Squred system: 1.8 x 1.8m
Triangular system: 1.5 x 1.8m
See also: Advantages and disadvantages of drip irrigation
Irrigation: Water immediately after planting. Provide irrigation after 4 days. Eventually, in lawn land banana you need to irrigate the field every week and as soon as possible in 10 – 15 days of wetlands. Irrigate the fields extensively after each compost. Use drip irrigation @ five-10 liters / plant / day from planting to 4th month, 10-15 liters / plant / day from 5th to shoot and 15 liters / plant / day from taking to until 15 days ago harvest.
Maturity: The nutritional requirements of bananas can be very high. Therefore, it costs about 150-200g n, 100-150g p and 2 hundred-300g which are right for the plant depending on the year. In fact, nitrogen deficiency has a profound effect on plant growth.
Weed controls: Regular weed control is important over a period of the first four months. You can usually use spading. Therefore, four spading per year is effective in weed control. However, you may be able to effectively control weeds by combining cover crops, using herbicides properly, joint planting and weed control. These will contribute to increased productivity. Additionally, you can use double cowpea planting. It works equally well in weed control
See also: Ideas crops to intercrop with banana
Plant protection:
Pseudo stem borer. The cause of stem borer is very harmful to the plant. The grubs of this pest bore into pseudo stem. As a result, the leaves turn yellow, wither, and soon the plant dies.
Rootstock weevils: this insect harms bananas during the year. The grubs bore into rhizomes. Similarly, adults hide in leaf blankets and suckers.
Panama wilt: This disease is most dangerous in poor soils and in countries where you grow bananas for 12 months each year. Affected flowers show yellow leaves that over time appear around the pseudostem and wither.
Bunchy top: that is a disease caused by bacteria. Burning plants show short and small leaves joined at the top of the artificial stem to form a gaggle.
Harvesting: Small varieties of bananas are equipped for harvesting 11 to 14 months after planting. While tall cultivars take about 14 to 18 months to mature.
Banana Production/yield: Average banana yield is 40 to 50 t / ha. You can increase the shelf life of a banana up to 3 days by using ethylene absorbent like vermiculite blocks.
Hope you enjoyed reading this article on How to start a banana plantation business? and found it useful.
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